Wednesday 17 November 2010

Vegan MoFo Day 17 - Fondue

It's finally the week where Nick gets to choose what we eat, he has the same pile of cookbook's I used last week and at some point I hope he'll pick something that includes vegetables!

The reason I decided to do this is because about 5 months ago Nick decided to go vegan & ever since I've done pretty much all of the cooking. I love to cook so that's fine but the main reason I've been doing it is because Nick doesn't really know how to cook anything vegan, he discovered this recently when I went to Vienna for a whole week leaving him to fend for himself. He said he felt a little ridiculous being a grown man who didn't know how to cook anything so I promised to teach him how!

His first choice was fondue, he's always been a big fan of nooch based mac n cheese's & this seemed like a fun new way to pack in the nooch. We'd planned to use the Swiss Fondue recipe from The Uncheese Cookbook but sadly it was a bit of a disaster. I don't know if we did something wrong but it wouldn't thicken up & it tasted way too onioney so we quickly turned to my favourite recipe for anything cheesy, the Cheezy Sauce from Veganomicon & as always it saved the day.

We're the lucky owner's of an electric fondue thing, it was a wedding gift! You can do oil, cheese or chocolate fondue in it & I think it's one of the funnest kitchen gadget's I own.

I did a bit of internet research to work out what you should dip into cheese fondue & decided to go with roast potatoes, french bread, seitan, Medium Cheddar Sheese & apple. It was all SO delicious...

Yup, that's me narrowly missing getting melty cheese all over a clean t-shirt & here's Nick trying to eat the largest chunk of cheese covered bread I've ever seen!

We both liked the roast potatoes the most, I think it's mainly because I bought really nice organic red skinned potatoes & they roasted beautifully, if you live in Brighton go to Infinity Foods & get some asap. Sheese dipped in cheese sauce was brilliant & the french bread worked really well. I loved the apple too but Nick refused to even consider dipping fruit in cheese - crazy!

We're having friends over for dinner tomorrow & I think the plan is to cook up a Viva Vegan based feast & hopefully I'll manage to get my blog post up in time!


  1. Yum! I have never in my life eaten any form on fondue. I think I may need to try, because that sounds delicious.

  2. This makes me want to buy a fondue machine!!

  3. Great fondue action shot! Now I want fondue for dinner.

  4. ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh.....i MUST make this soon....i miss fondue terribly. this looks amazing. :]

  5. Apples dipped in cheese are so delicious! I don't know how, but it works! I haven't done fondue since going vegan, I must fix this.

  6. That looks like a fun gadget and now I need to google "oil fondue" to see what that is!

    Also, I think Chris would be in a similar situation to Nick, if I was away I'd worry that he'd eat take away every night!

  7. Fondue night looks like such fun!

  8. Awww aren't you the lucky owners of a crazy awesome fondue pot thingy! I've only ever had chocolate fondue, and just recently at that. But must try the cheesy (vegan) variety in the near future. Love that your hubby wants to cook! Lucky gal :)

  9. Electric fondue thing sounds awesome! And fondue looks like so much fun to eat.

  10. Oooh what fun! I can think of nothing better than dipping things in a cheesy sauce.

  11. Oh my, I LOVE fondue. I went to a dinner party over the summer which was 1980s theme and we had fondue. Next time, try using really nutty bread granary bread. Or olive and sundried tomato bread...that really is fantastic in fondue.

  12. Mmm... I love fondue and I'd love to have a fondue pot. I've only had cheese (cow cheese, unfortunately) fondue once in my life and it would definitely be interesting trying to replicate it with nooch.

  13. Oh, I do so love me some fondue - I've got at least 3 fondue pots, including the electric one you've got. I haven't tried the Veganomicon recipe yet, but I totally should; I've got the cookbook. *grin* I'm also very envious of you being able to just pick up Sheese; I have to order it online and pay out the wazoo for extra cold shipping options. Bah.

    Great blog post!

  14. I'm disappointed not to see vegan twix meringues yet but your fondue looks good!! :0)

  15. I love the pictures of you and Nick.

  16. You two are the cutest! I love fondue but don't eat it nearly enough.

  17. Gosh, I love fondue! I found this really good recipe for vegan fondue last year but then I lost it, I'm still sad about that. :(

  18. Never thought of doing a fondue myself. But looking at your pictures, it seems a lot of fun.


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