Monday 1 November 2010

MoFoing from the road.

I'm excited to be posting my first MoFo post from a Travelodge in Edinburgh, well I say Edinburgh but really I mean a hotel in a service station just outside the city!

As I said in my 'what I'm doing for MoFo' post yesterday today is my friends wedding hence the reason that my first post is a random jumble of travel snacks!

We left London at 8pm yesterday (after watching the 49ers play American Football at Wembley Stadium - my husband's a huge fan!) to begin our drive up north!

I packed plenty of snacks to keep us going.

Oatmeal raisin cookies from VCIYCJ by Isa & Terry.

Banana bread from 100 best vegan baking recipes by Kris Holechek, I love this recipe it always comes our super moist & delicious.

Linda McCartney sausage rolls....

...I always cut these in half to make them more fun, like a party sausage roll! My favourite juice.

And last but by no means least Travel Sausages... it's no surprise to me that most of you are thinking "Travel sausage? What on earth is a travel sausage?!" Well these Vegi Deli sausages are ready to eat - no need for cooking or even heating - which makes them the perfect on-the-go snack.

After a much needed sleep we cobbled together a pretty decent breakfast.

Nick pretty much has to have cereal in the mornings so we brought some Doves Farm Organic chocolate stars & some mini Alpro soya milk's. I enjoyed banana bread, tinned pears, an apple sliced up & dipped in peanut butter & a satsuma. At the front you can see my favourite knife, it's awesome for traveling as it has a cover for the blade & it's super sharp.

Tomorrow I'll be posting pictures from the Scottish castle my friends are getting married in, our vegan wedding meal & maybe even a picture of me looking fancy in a dress.

Until then happy MoFoing!


  1. Jojo's banana bread! It's the best!

  2. Looks like you're travelling in style, jojo - and that banana bread recipe is amazing, isn't it? Here's to a fantastic MoFo, and enjoy the wedding. Ruby Rose x

  3. Happy MoFo! I'm excited to see the photos, and I want to know more about your knife!

  4. Nice! Happy travels!

  5. Those are some awesome travel foods!

  6. How cool you're MoFoing!

    Wanted to ask about veggiespots in B'ton since I'm visiting later in the month. Might go to Terre a terre, and Food for friends which I love. Your faves? You been to VBites? Any good? And most importantly are you goodies still on sale somewhere? Would love to taste someone elses baked goodies.. =) Sry bout too many questions, feel free to ignore..

    Happy World Vegan Day!

  7. You are writing while you travel? Way to go! Happy Mofo'ing!

  8. Road snacks are the best! I MUST have lots to munch on when I'm traveling. Food makes boring stretches of interstate more enjoyable.

  9. MoFoing from the road? I could barely get it together to MoFo from home today! Good road snacks! I think Linda Sausage rolls are the best travelling food ever :D

  10. Oh man, so jealous! I can't wait to see your pictures. Have fun!!!!!

  11. You should defo take a trip to Glasgow while you are up that neck of the woods. It has 3 very good vegan restaurants!

  12. I just learnt of these travel sausages yesterday! WANT!
    Happy MoFo'ing.

  13. Ooh, you packed the yummiest snacks. I still want to try those McCartney sausage rolls, and now I want to try those other sausages as well!

  14. You know I am most interested in those cookies. Glad to see you mofoing on the move!

  15. I recently got the same kind of knife as you and its my favourite now too.It will definitely come up in my veganmofo blogging.

  16. I would like to go on a road trip with you, you pack the best vegan snacks! And I had no idea those sausages were ready-to-eat, cool!

    I think my favourite item are the oatmeal raisin cookies, I'd probably eat them all :D

  17. Your snacks all look great. I love seeing what's available other places.

  18. Thanks for all the comments!!

    Celyn, I'll make sure to include mire about the knives later this week!

    Cecilia, I'll definitely get back you you this weekend once I'm back in Brighton.

  19. Cool, thanks! I know you've written reviews for a few places so I know a little :)

    Hope you have a nice time in Scotland!

  20. I still want to know who invented the term 'travel sausage'... was it you and Interro? x

  21. Canuck, it was just me! I've always called them travel sausages & called them that when talking to Kip & Holley one day, for some reason they found it massively funny & now they'll always be called travel sausages!

  22. Jojo! My apologies because I just knew I was following your blog until I ran across it in the mofo blogroll. So I added you!

    These travel snacks look GREAT! And now I will take sausage rolls with me on the road for sure.


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