They're now stocking all four of Fry's new products! The first to catch my eye were the Louisiana Tenders, I was lucky enough to try a sample of them at the Kensington Christmas Without Cruelty Fair & they were outstanding. Fry's Chicken Style Burgers are my favourite mock chicken product & these are similar inside but outside is very different. They are coated with a crisp, lightly spiced, batter which is possibly even more delicious than the bread crumb coating of my go to burgers. Nestled next to the tenders in the freezer were the new Fry's Pops. I don't know if this was intended but to me these seem like a cruelty free version of KFCs Popcorn Chicken. It's products like this that'll convince the devoted meat eater in your life to quit it! Unfortunately I wasn't fast enough to grab a sample of these at the Vegan Fair... I know right? I must be losing my skills! But I did grab a couple of boxes for dinner tonight, I cannot wait for Nick to get back from work so that we can crack into them!

I really like that they come in boxes of two, I try to eat a little healthily (Yeah, you would't know it from the blog would you?!) and if I buy a pack of 4 pies they will be gone within two or three days because someone in this house does't like pies. Seriously... doesn't like pie. I'll leave that to sink in for a moment because, really? That's crazy right?! I'm going away for the weekend & my freezer is stuffed full so I didn't pick up any pies today but I can assure you that as soon as I'm back I'll be grabbing a box of Country Mushroom.
I'm super excited to see a Swedish Glace product that isn't just another straight up ice cream. These are fun! And look how cute the box is! These strawberry ice cream lollies are covered in a chocolate flavoured coating and then covered in strawberry flavoured pearls. Yum! What's also awesome is that Infinity Foods aren't just selling these by the box, oh no, they have them for sale individually too. Perfect for when you're by yourself or with a friend with different tastes in ice cream to you.
Hopefully you live somewhere where you can get a hold of these products & this post isn't just taunting you with the brilliance of new vegan foods that you can't get in your belly immediately...if you don't live near here I suggest that you consider a trip, Brighton's awesome & I've even compiled a handy eating guide for you right here!