Friday 20 September 2013

Facsimile Friday - Portland Bowl at Canteen

Hey MoFo's! Welcome to the third Facsimile Friday in the series. I've already recreated Cafe Blossom's Benedict and the scramble from Bouldin Creek Cafe and today it's the turn of the Portland Bowl from Canteen in, yup, you guessed it, Portland.

I was lucky enough to try this just after Vida Vegan Con and it was the first thing I cooked up when I got home from my travels. The bowl is made up of quinoa, steamed kale, baked maple tempeh, nooch sauce, shredded carrots and chopped hazelnuts. 

For my recreation I cooked up some quinoa, steamed some kale, fried up some Tofurky Maple Bacon tempeh and used the noochy sauce from Appetite For Reduction.

My recreation was yummy but not quite as delicious as the version at Canteen, next time I'll make my own maple tempeh and probably use a higher fat cheesy sauce. I think I'm gonna need to go back to Portland for research purposes!


  1. Looks great! Especially the shredded carrots with tempeh. A good sauce will always put a bowl over the edge too.

  2. That's one terrific looking bowl, but I think a bit of Portland-travel research only makes good sense! ;)

  3. I'm so hungry I can't even read this. Maybe later. Right before the supermarket.

  4. You know what's awesome? I read this post after reading Katie of Vegan Noms' guest post on the Laughing Vegan....where she also has a recipe for a bowl she had in Portland (the Eastern Bowl from the Bye and Bye). Portland bowls forever!!

  5. I sadly missed out on Canteen during my visit, they were closed at the time I was thinking of going there. I hope to get there one day, the bowls sound amazing.

  6. Loving the bowls. I agree, more research would be a brilliant idea!

  7. I miss Canteen! Your bowl looks just as good!


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