Sunday 8 September 2013

MoFo 2013 - Football Food Sunday

Iiiiiit's Football Food Sunday you guys!! We're extra excited about this one because football season has begun, waaahay! The 49ers are playing their first game today which starts at 9:25pm our time so I got hungry and ate the football food already. Nick's more restrained and will be eating his at game time.

Erin from Meet the Wikos kicked off 2013's Vegan MoFo with a football food post inspired by my Football Food Sundays. In turn I was inspired by her totchos, or tater tot nachos, such a rad idea right?

Tots aren't a thing here in the UK and the closest sub I could find on a Sunday morning in Brighton was a bag of potato croquettes. I actually tried my first tot in Seattle this spring and the croquettes seem to have a more blended potato filling and are two or even three times the size of a tot. A megatot if you will.

I topped my totchos with guacamole, mild salsa, Toffuti sour cream, grated Follow Your Heart cheddar  cheese and spring onions. They were freaking delicious and I love using football as an excuse to eat ridiculously trashy food.

Next Sunday I'll be looking for some football food to eat in San Francisco whilst watching the 49ers. Let's hope I'm successful, watch this space.


  1. Potatoes, avocado and sour cream in one dish? SOLD! lol
    I love your football food theme on Saturdays - it makes me really hungry though!

    1. Urgh....thought it was Saturday for a moment there. Clearly I don't need another beer :P

    2. Ha, I love these comments and I hope you had more beer!

  2. Croquettes! That reminds me, there's this vegan-friendly place in Valencia (wasn't mentioned on Happy Cow), but just opened recently and they are serving vegan croquettes-I might give them a try this week! Tofutti sour cream is my favorite! What did you think of the FYH cheddar cheeze shreds? Have fun in SFO!

  3. Yum!
    I haven't had croquettes on years
    Why does shaped potato always taste so good?

    1. It's like egg shaped chocolate - at least 20% tastier than bar form :)

  4. You go girl! These look freekin fantastic. I must admit, I have a weak spot for Tater Tots, especially the Trader Joe's brand ^_^

  5. Yes, tater tot nachos sound like a brilliant idea! After going through MoFo posts this evening, I think I have to have these and tacos for dinner. They look so good!

  6. Damn that looks good! I want a megatot right here and now. Football food is the best.

  7. So awesome. And I feel so special that I was present for your first tot.

  8. Tater tots are yummy, but I'll take potato croquettes over tots any day! Awesome toppings!

  9. Ok, so I've been wondering and I've just got to ask: as an American, I cannot understand how or why a British punky girl could get "into" American football. It's like an American getting all excited about Cricket - I just don't see it working, no matter how much time the American spent in the UK, given the complexity of the rules and, in the case of US football, the complexities of how people decide which teams to support (usually, where they grew up or some other equation that wouldn't apply to you). I know you've spent time in Austin and loved it, but that's not the biggest football town (well, not the biggest pro football town, though I know that UT football is huge) so I've just got to ask : how did you get so excited about American Football and how did you decide what teams to support?

    1. Honestly I have to blame my husband! Back in the 80's there were only 4 channels on British TV and on Sunday afternoons one would show American football. Him and his dad would always sit down to watch the game together and it was almost always the 49ers who made it onto the TV because they were the best back then and Joe Montana and Jerry Rice were like an epic football dream team. Anyway fast forward to 2004 I met Nick and he was a huge 49ers fan, I started watching games with him and originally got excited because of the food aspect - I'll take any reason to eat fried food! But I've been to quite a few games now and watched a tonne on TV and I just enjoy it, I can't pretend that I get every single rule though!

  10. Megatots? Yes, please. Yummers. I have some sweet potato tots and they might need to be totchos with black beans and chipotle.

  11. No tater tots? We call them potato gems here, I love them!
    I love potato gem nachos.

  12. Ok, I was going to say what Susan said about ours being gems. I can't believe you guys don't have them too! But, megatots sound and look just as yummo to me!

  13. mmmmmm potato croquettes! I have never had a tatter tot. I first heard of them in Friends! X

  14. Croquettes! Of course! I keep seeing recipes for food that basically amounts to stuff piled on tatter tots which always looks delicious because potatoes yum. I never thought I could use croquettes. You're a genius!

  15. This looks like the PERFECT thing to eat while watching sports. megatots should be the only kind of tot. No more fooling around.

  16. This looks amazing! I want hockey season to start so I can have game night totchos.

  17. i am not into sports but i do love sports related food! totchos are awesome!

  18. Wait wait wait wait! Croquettes are vegan??? I've been avoiding them for 6 years because I didn't think they were! GODDAMMIT!

    In other news your croquette nachos sound stupdendous.

  19. I don't like football but this sounds AMAZING!!

  20. Your totchos look delicious, and the perfect football food. And here's to the Niners winning their first game! I hope you have a great time here in the bay area!

  21. If this is the kind of thing being served, I'd be happy to go watch the game! Seriously, this looks so decadent and amazing. I would love to dive into a hot pile of them!

  22. How I love potato croquettes! I have never eaten them after going vegan. Now I need to check if there are vegan versions around.And then I'll make totchos!!!

  23. OMG a year or so ago I made a tot nacho recipe. It was the Irish Nachos from the cook book "Hearty Vegan Meals for Monster Appetites" and it was amazing. Your post has inspired me to revisit that recipe =)


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