Real Foods is by far the largest health food store in Edinburgh & it's jam packed full of exciting things. We were especially excited to find vegan shortbread.
We've both always loved shortbread & for some reason I've never tried to make my own.
The fridge's at Real Foods are stocked up with plenty of vegan cheeses, mock meats, hummus', etc but we were most excited about the Engine Shed tofu.
We bought all three types, plain, smoked & marinated.
The Engine Shed started out as a training project for people with learning disabilities and the business now includes a vegetarian cafe, organic bakery & an organic tofu processing plant. We love the idea behind the business & can't wait to use our tofu's.
We managed to find time to nip into The Engine Shed to grab a slice of their vegan chocolate cake.
Sorry about the terrible photo, I quickly snapped this picture in the car park outside The Engine Shed as I knew the cake wouldn't last the journey across town! It was seriously good cake, really moist and gooey and they icing was perfectly fudgey.
Whilst I was in Real Foods I picked up a few things to give away during MoFo.
Organic Vegan White Chocolate, Organic Fair Trade Extra Dark Pumpkin Seed & Hemp Oil Chocolate & Natural Lemon Sherbets.
All you need to do to win these goodies is leave a comment on this post telling me what your favourite junk food is before 9am UK time on Saturday 13th November. The competition's open to anyone & I'll be choosing the winner at random. Please remember to let me know how I can contact you if you win and good luck!
congrats on doing your first giveaway!
ReplyDeleteFavourite junkfood would have to be either the classic TINGS or Oreo-coconut-chocolate-chip-strawberry pancakes. Because damn they were good.
Yay giveaways! My favorite junk foods are Tofurky peppered jurky and Veggie Booty.
ReplyDeleteI'm enjoying your posts this mofo!
Looks like I got here a little late for the give-away, but that's ok. Edinburgh looks amazing. I would really like to do the marathon there next year. If I do I'll know where to get my eats thanks to you!
ReplyDeleteI love the Organica white chocolate and the shortbread looks delicious :)
ReplyDeleteThat place looks amazing! I'm jealous of the tofu and the white chocolate!
ReplyDeleteThe engine shed project sounds really great! Their tofu looks awesome.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite junk food? Fries with mayo.
Wow, I'm seriously behind reading everyone's blogs. Your posts are wonderful and make me wish I could travel more!
ReplyDeleteFavourite junk food? Wave anything sweet around too close to me and you'd have to watch your fingers (provided they are vegan)! ;P
shellfish you're not too late, you've got a whole week.
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice giveaway! Favourite junk food...good nacho crisps are a weakness of mine. As is anything involving chocolate, but I refuse to call chocolate junk. :)
ReplyDeleteMarshmallows from Sweet Vegan especially when they sell the mis-shapes cheap on Ebay
ReplyDeleteIt's gotta be vegan chocolate fudge cake and vanilla Swedish glace. I'm definitely visiting The Engine Shed next time I'm in Edinburgh. I've really enjoyed your Edinburgh series, next time I go I'll have to be rolled back onto the plane!
ReplyDeleteOoh Exciting!
ReplyDeleteYour 1st giveaway!
My fave junk food would be a vegan burger on a white bap with redwood Vegetarian Rashers, Cheezly Red cheddar, fried onions, ketchup, mayo and mustard!
yum yum yum
Oreos! I have to have my husband hide them so I don't eat them all at once.
ReplyDeleteFor serious.
I'm loving all these posts on Edinburgh!
Woo hoo!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite junkfood is chocolate bourbon creams with peanut butter on top!
This is so funny... we both blogged about how great the Engine Shed and Real Foods is today! If I saw a girl with pink hair and piercings today I probably would have stopped you and said howdy.
we stayed in edinburgh a few months back! my family were all about the haggis tho haha
ReplyDeletemy fav junky food would have to bee bowls apon bowls of cocoa pops!
oh, don't you just LOVE investigating natural foods stores?? it's so much fun snooping around and looking for special goodies.
ReplyDeleteI think my favorite junk food is probably chocolate. I like it so much that I pretend it's not junk food... but I think deep down inside I know it is.
Such nice things! My favourite fast food must be onion rings.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite is melting some vegan-friendly dark chocolate and then sitting down with my boyfriend and dipping peeled bananas straight into the pan while it's still hot. Tastes incredible!
ReplyDeleteOh my crap, white chocolate is my FAVORITE! It is SO hard to find vegan white choc here. And I am so very intrigued by that pumpkinseed/hemp oil chocolate.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite junk food is any type of nut butter straight out of the jar. A little bit here and there isn't junky, but when you get the point where you eat half a jar in one sitting, I think that qualifies...
Amber Shea
almostveganblog AT gmail DOT com
I love anything peanut butter and choc, mmmm. And i'm totally on a cookie rampage lately too, any cookies, give em to meeee
ReplyDeleteAlso, I don't know if it really counts, but i love dark chocolate coated goji berries. yummm.
Sorry -I'm such a dork - I moved myself ahead in time by a week. So silly I am!
ReplyDeleteThe store looks great! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if dark chocolate is considered junk food (it's healthy and all... right?!), but if yes, I would have to say it's my favorite. I also love anything with marzipan - the best thing about living in Denmark! ;)
Favourite junk food (today) would have to be pretzels dipped in melted dark chocolate. Mmm...
ReplyDeleteYou make me wanna be back in Edinburgh! Saw so much I wanted to try in Real Foods.
ReplyDeleteFavourite junk food... burgermix!
Vegan white chocolate?!?! You've got to be kidding me- so awesome!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite junk food are the Go Max Go candy bars. They're even better than what I remember Snickers tasted like!
My favorite vegan junk food is definitely vegan ice cream cones made by companies like Tofutti and Valsoia. They are the kind that comes in the box with chocolate and nuts on top. Yum!
ReplyDeleteThat health food store looks so cool! I love shopping at stores like that and checking out all the interesting new products :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I love your giveaway! Picking a favourite junk food is tricky, but maybe mine would be... chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream? Or anything tiramisu-flavoured.
Oh my, that white chocolate.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite junk food is most likely something fried, perhaps french fries. I don't deep fry at home so when I eat out I consider it a treat. That or cookies.
I'm obsessed with pretzels, even when eating gluten free I just switched to g/f pretzels.
ReplyDeleteBtw, I want that donut in the post above.
My favorite junk food is probably those Eco Planet cheddar crackers.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite vegan junk food would be Purely Decadent ice cream, and vegan donuts,
ReplyDeleteMy favourite junk food, well I guess it's junk food, is fried tofu, arinated in tamari, sandwich with Tomato sauce. Lovely.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a favourite, but generally, anything a little bit salty and crunchy qualifies as good junk food in my books.
ReplyDeleteMore importantly... there's commercially-produced non-dairy shortbread? Wow, it looks delicious!
Bangers and mash! Probably because we didn't have any vegan sausage options here until recently, so it became this luxurious thing I got to eat only once a year or so when we visited Brighton and went to The George.
ReplyDeleteIt is super hard to pick a favorite, but Go Max Go (http://www.gomaxgofoods.com/) chocolate bars are high up on that list. I just discovered that you can buy them at the Union Square Wholefoods here in NYC! I love the Jokers bar (snickers copycat) and the Twilight bar (milkyway taste-alike) and the Buccaneer bar (three musketeers bar). Deeeeeeeelish!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite commercially available vegan junk food is Olive and Sinclair chocolate bar, the salt and pepper flavor. This chocolate is made about a mile from my house and it's southern style; the brown sugar in it makes it super smooth like I thought only milk chocolate could be. YUM.
ReplyDeleteoh yes; and I'm in the US so if you don't want to send something overseas, I totally understand!
I have been on the hunt for some authentic tasting vegan white chocolate so that is a major score!
ReplyDeleteFavorite junk food includes cinnamon rolls, layer cake with generous mounds of icing (especially German chocolate and carrot cake), chickpea fries and pizza!
Yummers! I've wanted to get my hands on some vegan white chocolate since I turned vegan!and lemon sherbets! Junk food faves...depends what you think of as junk food..maybe a soy based vegan sausage in a bun with ketchup, a rare treat!xx
ReplyDeleteyay! I love making vegan brownies..and eating them.. all of them.
ReplyDeleteThat would have to be marshmallows for me- I can eat a whole bag of Dandies in a sitting, no problem! (I feel like hell afterward, but that's another story...)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite vegan junk food? ...I'm gonna go with Oreos, but that's probably only because I'm eating some right now. They are especially good with Jif PB spread on top! Nom! I am such an unhealthy vegan.
ReplyDeleteI love your posts about Edinburgh I am seriously considering moving there!Favourite junk food I 'd say any sweets with chocolate, chips, crisps and pizza.
ReplyDeleteNice seeing you on the Vegan Mofo front page the other day!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite junk food at the moment is, without a doubt, is eating ricemellow creme from the tub. I'm gutted I didn't get the opportunity to buy more before we left the States.
It's good to see that everyone has been having such a good time in Edinburgh, my home town. The guys at Real Foods were really happy to hear about your post! My favourite junk food is anything made by BoojaBooja, but if I have to make a choice I'd say the Maple Pecan ice cream.