We spent the last couple of days of our holiday in Belgium as we didn't want to end our travels with one hideously long day of driving. We ate a lot of frites, which were delicious.
This picture's more me than the pommes frites but hey, you guys know what chips look like!
Mirroring how we celebrated out engagement we had an awesome floor picnic at our hotel. We headed out to get food from the health food store under vegan macrobiotic lunch spot Den Teepot. We picked up a couple of spinach and tofu filo pastry rolls which reminded me a little of spanakopita...
...a sausage roll to share...
... and a couple of slices of pear tart...
We also snacked on random food we found at on our travels...
I was excited to find Speculoos chocolate and that Galler noissette praline bar is, I think, the best chocolate I've ever eaten.
The next day we headed for Calais and had one final breakfast in the van before heading home.
Our Honeymoon was SO awesome, I loved getting to spend three whole weeks of uninterrupted hanging out time with Nick, living in the van, getting to see so many countries on one journey & getting to eat so much amazing vegan food.
I'm taking part in Vegan MoFo for the first time this year, it starts on Monday! I'm really excited and I'll be posting more about my plans tomorrow.
It's been fun reading about your honeymoon travels and learning about the abundance of vegan food you found along the way. Looking forward to your daily posts during Vegan MoFo! (I'm Mofoin', too!)