Tuesday 23 November 2010

Vegan MoFo Day 23 - Iydea

Iydea is really close to my house so I find myself there quite often either to eat lunch (or to grab some take out if it's too busy to find a seat!) or even just for some juice & a slice of cake. I blogged about them a while ago here but they have a menu that changes pretty frequently so I thought it was about time I recommended them again.

If you haven't heard of Iydea before they're a local, north laine located, vegetarian, canteen style restaurant where you pick the size of plate or take out box you want, your main meal & either two sides with the small size or unlimited sides with the large size - this option's amazing if you're hungry!

This small take out box has falafel with a giant cous cous salad & roasted vegetables.

I had hummus as my topping and it certainly helped cool down the slightly-too-spicy-for-me falafel. The roasted veggies at Iydea are always delicious and usually include potatoes & some kind of squash, I'm a big fan of their giant cous cous salad's too & I always choose that as my side if they have it.

I remember this small take out box fondly because I went for the triple carb lunch - awesome! There's lasagne which is a new dish at Iydea that's so good they now have it on the menu almost every day. I had this with sides of pasta salad & roast potatoes.

This was an amazing lunch! Their lasagne is so good - in fact if I wasn't meeting Nick for dinner in two hours I'd be going out to get some of this right now!

The only bad thing about Iydea (& most other vegi places in this city!) is that they all close at 6pm (or sometime 5.30!) which just seems SO early & it doesn't leave you with that many options if you want to grab dinner after work or in the evening.


  1. You're so right about not being able to get much in the evening's in Brighton; seems like there are only a couple of dedicated veg restaurants open after 7pm!

  2. Giant couscous?! That looks amazing.

  3. I had that lasagna and the pasta salad on Sunday evening and it was pretty awesome! Their Israeli couscous is pretty swell too. Paul's a big fan of that place.

  4. That couscous is calling me right now.

  5. Your triple carb lunch looks pretty good. So does the hummus and falafel. I like places where you can choose whatever you want as you see it.

  6. Those veggies look fantastic!

  7. If only something like that existed here...well, mabye it's good it doesn't because I'd spend my money there every day.
    That looks so yum!

  8. now I'm sad that it was rammed when we tried to go there! all that looks ace, next time I'm in brighton I'm going to have to go and try their lasagne.

  9. That all looks pretty good... I'd love a place like that near me. We sort of have an italian-ish deli that has veggie options and it's not bad... but nothing quite this epic!

  10. Oh, how I wish I had a place like this near my home!! :) Copenhagen is quite a miserable place to live if you're vegan/vegetarian and enjoy eating out.

  11. I love Idyea! But I agree about late eating, it's quite annoying because the few places with options that are open later are usually more expensive as well! Still, plenty of choices for lunch at least =]


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